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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

We had such a nice Christmas! Here are some snapshots of our Christmas at our home with my parents.

Andrew loves Lillian's pink snugglies. He's officially adopted the pink bear as his own.

Homemade hats! Thanks for teaching me how to crochet these beauties, Jean!

Cameron's version of a gingerbread house.

My favorite gingerbread man recipe! (from allrecipes.com--cute and delicious!)

I'm completely biased, but she just takes my breath away. (She's trying to blow a bubble with the gum Santa foolishly put in her stocking). It snowed the day after Christmas--a Christmas miracle here!

My mom and dad make a mean North Carolina breakfast for Christmas morning: Eggs, toast, grits, livermush, bacon, OJ . . . heaven.

Popop and Andrew playing Jenga . . . Dad sets up and Andrew knocks down. He LOVED this game.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years!!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Formal Retraction

I'm hereby issuing a retraction of former statements regarding crazy people wearing spandex. I totally get it! Since February, I started doing spin classes at the YMCA to help me shed baby pounds, and I must say, once you get past the initial self-consciousness of wearing only a second layer of black skin over your nether-regions, it is the ONLY way to ride a bike! No more tugging at my shorts as they ride up my pasty white legs, no more chafing thighs (that was before I lost much of said baby weight, uhhhumm), and a newfound confidence from not caring what others may think of my shape or lack thereof! Thank you, Nike and Champion, for making my attempts at bike-riding a little more comfortable! And I'm sorry to any who may have been offended by my prior misunderstanding of spandex. ;) I'm not saying it still doesn't make others in the room who are not wearing spandex uncomfortable . . . but, oh well!

*As I was searching for a photo to add, I only found 2 that would work, and the first one was so uncomfortable that I could not in good conscience post it on this family-friendly blog. Prior view on spandex proven, and perhaps still stands after all. Suffice it to say, black is a much better color for men's bike shorts than red. Color selection is everything if you dare to wear!

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Overheard While Doing Laundry

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

Lillian: "Andrew, can you give me that please? Because I need to turn Sully into a pig."

Lillian grabs the pink toy wand Andrew's been banging on the wall, and runs off to the next room where Sullivan is sitting in the rocking chair, playing quietly with a little toy.

"Pwesto (smack), pwesto (smack), pwesto (smack). Now you're a pig!"

Poor Sullivan. Good thing we're having slop for dinner.